Monday 27 January 2014

Day 16: When Plans Don't Go According to Plan

Day 16

     That was a terrible idea. It was completely unforeseeable; nevertheless it was a terrible idea. Aliya almost died! If I weren’t there to watch her back she would have been toast!
     We landed on the relay and made our way over with a safety line. Once aboard the relay Aliya hacked us into the substructure of the relay. Once there the group dispersed: Aliya and I went off to find the control centre, the Asari disappeared, the Geth and Krogan took a different path.
     Aliya and I were exploring the maps she found in the system and determined the best path to the control room. All of a sudden Fenris short at Aliya, being the ever-ready soldier I shot the assailant, causing the robot dog to explode. We then heard a sound. This thump, thump, thump sound from down the hall and rounding the corner was this giant, formidable-looking machine. We opened fired and barely took down its shields. We started running. I rounded the corner as the thing opened fire. I was fine, Aliya not so much. She took a direct hit to the abdomen and collapsed to the floor. I quickly grabbed her, hauled her over my shoulders and ran away from the thing.
     Once I though we were a safe distance away from that monstrosity I put her down and tried to patch her up with my limited first aid capabilities. I stopped the bleeding at least. Shortly thereafter the Asari both showed up, Nienna had an impressive sword at her side. Suddenly everything got really bright and then we were all back on the ship. I rushed Aliya to the med-bay for some immediate professional care.
     Once Aliya woke up we were debriefed. The LT was unconscious in the med-bay, his internal computer fried again. Apparently there is an AI in each relay and when Aliya broke us into the relay it perceived her as a threat and was determined to eliminate her. Thanks to KQO’s persuasiveness she was able to convince the AI to transport us back to the ship.
     The Lieutenant woke up and couldn’t remember anything, and logically I was made second in command until the LT is fit for duty again.
     Due to the recent attack by Asari on my family I asked KQO and Aliya to dig up information on Nienna and any relations to her and her mysterious, unknown past that would give any information on Asari military movements and any insider, turn-coat information.

Day 15: Escorts

Day 15

     Well shoot. It’s one thing to suspect something like this (even with some incredible evidence) and to then have it actually confirmed: the Council really is trying to rebuild the Crucible. This cannot end well.
     After we arrived at the location of the ship, Aliya failed in gaining control of the ship’s systems (something about a redundant security system) and they tried to bolt. We opened fire on their engines, aiming to only disable the engines, which probably wasn’t the best idea considering the cargo and amount thereof on the ship. I’m pretty sure if that had exploded we would have cause the system’s star to go nova and I wouldn’t be here to write about it. Or see my family again…
     After the ship was disabled we interrupted their distress signal and convinced them that we were really the ship that was there to escort them to the location of the crucible and sent KQO and Aliya’s Fenris mech as ‘repair drones’ to speed up repairs and also do some covert intel recon. This is how we found out the Council’s plans for the eezo. The ship’s Asari commander had the blueprints to the crucible on her main computer, which Fenris was able to hack into.
     After the repairs were completed we escorted them through the relay and to the system. We wanted to keep this visit as short as possible so no one would suspect we weren’t who we said we were. While there we found the code the crucible uses to use the mass relays, or rather Aliya found it by rifling around their systems. So we reprogrammed it to atomize once it jumps through the relay.
We quickly left the system, on the other side of the relay we were approached by platoon of Reapers! Apparently they are grateful for our intervention with the crucible and bequeathed us with a cannon, apparently an adaptation of the very cannons they use! That’s a pretty big gun! Everyone was pretty excited, especially LĂșthien. They then departed from the same relay that we exited from, apparently that was of great interest to Aliya.

     After a while of hypothesizing she asked an interesting question: what if we could program the relays to transport us from one relay to anywhere in the galaxy instead of following the determined relay system destinations. The commander agreed to let us explore a relay. Something that hasn’t been tried, or at least it hasn’t been publically stated that it has been tried.