Monday 24 March 2014

Day 20: The Unexpected Target

Day 20

     We had a short respite before the next attack came. WE sent out a distress call to Rannoch asking for help and an escort. By the time the ship arrived we were not receiving any communiqués from the Quarian ship. We got K-QO to scan the ship and found no living thing aboard. Not one living soul. We then scanned the hull and found nothing. This was greatly troubling.
     K8 went to the hull of our ship to try to get a visual of the thing that we knew must be somewhere. As he was surveying the ship he was decapitated. It’s a good thing that he moved his core processing to the chest area. Then we knew that there was something really dangerous after us.
     We hunkered down as best as we could. We found, through Aliya’s scanning and K-QO systems, a way to track the machine, and increase the polarity of the hull to try to slow the thing down, as it was moving incredibly fast. Artemis and I went down to Engineering to protect Aliya. The Commander and the rest of the crew were in the CIC to defend the main bulkhead.
     The thing was in the service ducts and heading for Engineering. Artemis and I prepared ourselves as best as we could, considering we didn’t know what the hell we were dealing with. Joe burst into engineering right before the thing did. Aliya opened fire with her widow and took the shields down. Joe pulled out his katana and struck the hand that also had a katana and disarmed him. The machine still fired its silenced pistol at Aliya, she tried to duck, but wasn’t going to make it in time, I charged her as soon as the gun was raised. I tackled her to the ground. Good thing I did, the bullet embedded itself in the ship right where her head was. Artemis then opened fire and blew the machines head off with her Krysae. Nienna appeared then and contained the blast with a barrier.
     Something isn’t right here. These assassins are all targeting Aliya. She must know something, or have some invaluable intel if they can ignore the rest of our crew (including me!). We must keep her alive, I must keep her alive.  


Day 19: Boarding Party!

Day 19

     That was painful. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a wound quite like that one. I can't believe that I let myself get injured that badly! I'm General Corinthus! I should be above this type of rookie mistake. I can expect this kind of thing from Aliya, or Joe, but me? This is unacceptable. I completely blacked out and woke up in the medbay next to Aliya, but I remember that part. We were boarded by a few Salarian STG cruisers and attacked. K-QO was down, due to a virus that was uploaded to her somehow. We manually sealed the bulkheads and prepared for attack. Braxis, Joe, Aliya and I were down in Engineering waiting for the Salarians to come through. Once they came in things got really hot; Aliya went down in a spray of blood, then everything went dark and I woke up in the medbay with a bullet wound to my lower diaphragm next to Aliya.
     I was told afterward that Braxis and Joe, after seeing two of their squad mates go down, charged the Salarian line and chased them back to their ship. The others in the cargo hold faired a lot better. They had both of the Asari and all the biotics of this team, so they had a little bit of an advantage there. Once K-QO came online again she was able to use the GARDIAN lasers to destroy and disable the cruisers and limp away towards Rannoch.