Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 6: Know your limit, stay within it.

Day 6
     Well this is just great! All our carefully laid plans gone to waste all because of a stupid Krogan and the Commander’s inability to avoid a firefight! Doesn’t he know that there is a time and place for fighting and that sometimes you need to just play it cool and complete a mission without violence? If he had just waited for us to get there and just let us in all of this would have been avoided! But, I can’t actually say any of that to, or about my Commanding officer, I’ve worked too hard to be court-marshalled, especially by the Alliance.
So let me explain a bit further. While we were out, after relaying our message and getting the holos up they decided to open the cargo bay while we were still 5 minutes out! Who in their right mind would open a door, on Sur’Kesh with a paranoid Krogan and a bunch of Salarians who were ordered to pick up the cargo, so naturally as they go to board the ship and collect the cargo the Krogan goes ballistic a drops one of them right then and there! Which of course leads to an all out firefight on the cargo bay door as they rush to close it and trap the Salarians in. The LT, for all his skills and agility, decides it’s a good idea to get K8 to toss him into the fray! That man would build a house in an Invictus jungle if anyone would.  One minute you think he’s great, then the next you wonder how he survived zero-G training. Anyway, the battle raged on, with the obvious outcome of our victory. I guess the repercussions won’t be disastrous; only three Salarian mercs dead, and we got the doctor out hopefully unnoticed.
      The Asari and I pulled into the cargo bay full of carnage and unconscious Salarians. Nienna quickly, before adding the contents of her stomach to the carnage, ran to change into something more decent. Meanwhile, K8, obviously unused to skycars opened the trunk (which lies beneath the car) causing the good doctor to slam onto the blood-slick floor. With him yelling and generally fussing about his situation K8 gave him an ultimatum: shut up and answer our questions, or get shoved back into the trunk. He quickly shut up and was not very forthcoming with his answers. Braxis, our ever-so-polite Krogan brute, made some off-hand comment about the taste and quality of Salarian livers which very quickly rendered Dr. Re’lis unconscious. We really need to keep him away from our prisoners… We did learn, however, that most of his research was on his ship, and Aliya, in all her tech wisdom, stripped his omnitool and located this ship. And that is our next destination.

P.s- it isn’t wise to gamble against Aria T’Loak’s daughter, especially for a skycar. Let’s just say it wasn’t my best game of Skyllian Five…

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