Sunday 15 September 2013

Day 8: O that Tangled Web we Weave

Day 8
     That damned suit rat! She’s a filthy traitor! I should have shot her the moment she exposed herself! I don’t know why I didn’t; am I going soft? The great Terryck Corinthus unable to do his duty and at least arrest someone guilty of treason? Bosh’tet! That’s the only word appropriate for her and it’s a damned Quarian word! And the rest of the crew! How could they so calmly accept what the suit rat did! Does the Alliance have any standards? Damn them all! What have I been reduced to? And to make matters worse I’ve been branded a traitor and a wanted criminal, along with everyone else aboard the Sachsen. Apparently we all have some traitorous doppelgangers out to ruin us and sabotage our mission. This day just couldn’t get any better, some days I wonder if it was the right decision leaving the Turian Military. Then I think of my family, the one’s I’m fighting for, are always in my mind, and am reminded that I have to be here, as much as I hate it. Spirits keep them safe.
     Once we got to the bridge the Commander ordered the Salarians to surrender control of the ship to us, and then proceeded to shoot the poor bastard’s hand off as he reached for the switch to alert who knows who or what, which quickly cowed them into listening to our demands and damaging the computer sufficiently to halt any rebellious notions the Salarians might have had. The LT quickly bandaged the injured Salarian. After questioning them we quickly realized that they knew nothing aside from their contract to keep the station in orbit and all systems running. Lieutenant Joe left for engineering when the barefaced Quarian indicated that as her next destination.
      A few minutes later he contacts me asking to see if he should follow the suit rat after finding that she and the Geth had killed the Salarian in the computer core. What is with this guy, can’t he think for himself? Anyway, from what the Asari say what happened after that was rather entertaining and the beginning of her betrayal exposed. Lúthien dominated the two engineers and told them to sleep, and they dutifully went to their quarters, the suit rat then went to follow, presumably to strip their omnitool for research data. Instead she killed them! Helpless bystanders if the Salarians on the bridge are to be believed. Joe then tackled her to the ground. Apparently he wasn’t concerned about the implications of what the Quarian had just done and then confessed his love for her! He really needs to go to Invictus…
     Once they all returned to the bridge the Quarian begins by saying that she has something to tell the Commander in an odd tone. My suspicions began when she explained that the ship’s computers were wiped and nothing was on them, with no trace of where they went. Salarians might not be great soldiers, but they know their tech and even if there was a virus that wiped the local hard drives they would have a failsafe system in place to transfer the important data off ship, and if she was as good as she claims to be then she should have been able to find its location! The gun came out when Lúthien casually stated that she had killed the engineers in cold blood. The Commander disposed the two Salarians on the bridge when the Quarian said she wouldn’t discuss such matters in front of strangers. She then proceeded to tell us that she had wiped the ship’s computer systems of any trace of the Salarian’s research data as per her orders, which “recently” came from President Tali’Zorah vas Normandy, to prevent the Alliance from gathering such intel and to destroy any trace of the research. I should have shot her right then, barefaced suit rat. I don’t understand how the Commander accepted such treasonous behaviour so calmly and seemingly without any worry at all! She was in direct contradiction to the orders of a superior officer to which she is legally bound! Does she have any honour; does anyone in the Alliance?
     After that bombshell we were contacted by the Sachsen to return immediately to the ship, as there was something of great import that we needed to see. As it turns out we are all traitors and fugitives. Some group, claiming to be us, with admittedly convincing persons, and a ship incredibly similar to the Sachsen attacking and destroying Admiral Johnstone’s base and assassinating every senior officer there. They even had a Geth in the vids! The Council, and nearly every other galactic government, have deemed us traitors and criminals worthy of death. What is even more intriguing is all four councillors signed this declaration; that means the Salarian councillor, after nearly forty years of warming a council seat has, actually acted in concordance with the rest of the council. Which elicits some suspicion as to why he would finally take part in this particular motion. This is something worth looking into.

     It is of great comfort to me that the Hierarchy, even though they have to conform to the will of the Council, has enough reasonable doubt to clear my name. It is good to know that, despite my abrupt departure, they haven’t forgotten my service and everything I have put into my service and for my people. I also received an email from a certain interested party with the location to a supply cache and safe house for my now fugitive crew. Good to know that there are still some people who aren’t crazy in the galaxy.

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