Monday 24 February 2014

Day 18: Backroom Politics

Day 18

     We did it! We opened trade between Irune and Palaven, now we just need to fix the other problem in the galaxy: the Council.
     After arriving at the embassy station orbiting Irune, I was escorted, along with Artemis, to see my brother. After protecting our conversation from any type of eavesdropping, I told him the plan: That we could open up a new route through the relays from Irune to Palaven directly and that we needed him to ready the Volus relief efforts. Arian informed me that the Asari are watching everything that is going on in the station, especially him and the Turian dealings. He isn’t sure, but he suspects an Asari spy is in deep with most things going on in this station. So we’ll need to think of a way to distract the Asari while we set up this new route.
     Once I debriefed the crew on the situation we all agreed that we needed to infiltrate the Asari embassy. This would be the most direct way to distract them and allow Adrian sufficient time to prepare the supplies and get them to Palaven. KQO scanned the Asari embassy for the security systems and revealed something startling: the Asari have an AI spying on the station. The Asari just get crazier and crazier.
A few members of the crew made some BS extranet news accounts of the Asari’s depravity on the station. Some of that stuff was ridiculous, why would you ever want to eat Volus babies? How would that even work? This was incredibly successful in getting an angry mob in front of the Asari Embassy’s doors to distract the Asari from our covert entrance via the air ducts. Nienna, dressed in her dancing outfit, walked into the embassy so we could have some eyes on the inside. LĂșthien and the Geth stayed outside to keep the Volus riled up and the guards distracted. I don’t really know what the Krogan was doing.
     Once inside we wound our way to the elevator shaft and descended to the level with the AI. All was silent as we exited the elevator; the floor was abandoned. We cautiously made our way forward when we heard the whine of a weapon charging up to fire. We hit the deck and attempted to take the AI firing a spitfire down. KQO informed us that the AI was drawing power from the ship to boost its shields and maintain a ridiculous rate of fire. After a few intense moments KQO was able to cut off the AI’s access to the station power and Artemis blew the bloody thing’s head half off.
     Somehow a riot broke out above us and the Volus found a way into the same air duct that we came in. There were more than a few Volus casualties as a result. They died for a good cause. They helped save Palaven, although no one will ever know that.
     We hurriedly left the station and used the confusion to mask our flight from Irune to Palaven. KQO asked the relay AIs for passage to Palaven and Aliya was able to capture the request code and pass that on to Adrian and the relief fleet. The siege on Palaven is being relieved even as a type. This was a successful mission, and that brings us a little bit closer to ending a little bit of the craziness in the galaxy.  

Monday 10 February 2014

Mission Emails

From: {sourcenotfound}

     Adrien: I’m sure you’re more aware of the situation with Palaven than I am. I can’t give you many, or any of the details, but know that we have a way open the relay from Palaven directly to Irune. With this we need the Volus to be ready to send supplies and continue trade with Palaven.
     I hope you’re safe, and I hope that this madness will be ended soon. Send my regards to Sophie and Ysabell.

General Terryck Corinthus

     P.S. – I can’t thank you enough for helping to protect my family. It is a debt that I will never be able to repay.

From: {sourcenotfound}
To: Primarch@gov.pal

     I received your message and know that it distresses me greatly. My squad and I are doing what we can to help Palaven and alleviate the siege. We will attempt to avoid galactic war, but you must be prepared for any fallout our actions might create, including lethal force if necessary. Palaven must stand strong and united against this threat and be the leaders that unite the galaxy against the depravity of the Asari.
     Know that I will do my best for the Turian people; we will do our best to resolve this conflict with minimal loss of life.
     Don’t forget Irune, if things turn for the worse head for Irune.

May the Spirits protect and guide us,

General Terryck Corinthus

Day 17: The Day the Galaxy Went Mad

Day 17

     That was a nice reprieve. We landed at the station out in the terminus systems that my contacts provided to help us. We spent the time gathering information and supplies.
     Aliya and KQO used this time to gather the information I requested about Nienna. Aliya has some nerve in thinking to withhold, and convince KQO to withhold some of the information from me. She said that she withheld the information due to its private nature and she thought that I didn’t need to know it. I’m just going to have to trust that the Quarian is right, and that any of the information being withheld won’t harm my family. It is a hard thought to let that go, especially since we’ve really only known each other for such a short time. I can’t let anything happen to my family. And if anything does as a result from this… let’s just say that Aliya will never seen Rannoch again, or any other planet for that matter… but, I’ll have to trust my squad, that they’ll make the right decisions. We won’t accomplish anything if we are at each other’s throats.
     Also while at the station, I was approach by a Lieutenant from Palaven with some very disturbing news: Palaven is under siege by Asari forces, and the Council is behind the Asari action, the bastard of a Turian Councillor included. They say that a rebel faction of the Hierarchy has taken over Palaven and they are trying to ‘aid’ the situation, even worse, there are over a million Asari on Palaven and the Primarch is fairly certain that they are all commandos. The Primarch doesn’t want to start a war, as that would undoubtedly bring the Reapers in, which everyone would be glad if that was avoided.
     I presented this to the crew and we tried to think of a way to bring about a peaceful (well, as peaceful as we can) solution. KQO gained permission from the Relay AI to allow the relay in the Apien Crest to transport cargo ships from Irune to Palaven to alleviate the embargo. LĂșthien was able to gather that the blockade around Palaven was overkill, as far as going four or five relays deep; and that the Asari republics were having a bit of a tantrum with respects to the Turian’s demands once I informed them of their actions on Omega. The Primarch asked me to find a way to expose the Council and essentially stop this madness and help the Turian people, and the rest of the galaxy from their depravity.

     That’s a pretty tall order, but I’m sure that this squad, these people, can do it.