Monday 10 February 2014

Mission Emails

From: {sourcenotfound}

     Adrien: I’m sure you’re more aware of the situation with Palaven than I am. I can’t give you many, or any of the details, but know that we have a way open the relay from Palaven directly to Irune. With this we need the Volus to be ready to send supplies and continue trade with Palaven.
     I hope you’re safe, and I hope that this madness will be ended soon. Send my regards to Sophie and Ysabell.

General Terryck Corinthus

     P.S. – I can’t thank you enough for helping to protect my family. It is a debt that I will never be able to repay.

From: {sourcenotfound}
To: Primarch@gov.pal

     I received your message and know that it distresses me greatly. My squad and I are doing what we can to help Palaven and alleviate the siege. We will attempt to avoid galactic war, but you must be prepared for any fallout our actions might create, including lethal force if necessary. Palaven must stand strong and united against this threat and be the leaders that unite the galaxy against the depravity of the Asari.
     Know that I will do my best for the Turian people; we will do our best to resolve this conflict with minimal loss of life.
     Don’t forget Irune, if things turn for the worse head for Irune.

May the Spirits protect and guide us,

General Terryck Corinthus

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