Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 23: Family Troubles

Day 23

     We arrived at the location and split up: K8 and I went to the roof of an adjacent building to take out the rocket launchers on the roof, the others went to take out those in the street. K8 and I were able to cover those on the ground through the expenditure of lots of ammunition, they were very heavily armed and armoured and we were too far away to actually bring them down. But we were able to buy the squad time to execute whatever plan they came up with.
     We had some close calls as the rockets ripped through our cover apart, but with a lot of luck and a heroic display of our skills we were able to keep then at bay and take them down.
     Eventually the team cleared out the building. Apparently Braxis was taken down and almost died; he’ll survive, he has that redundant nervous system an al, lucky for him. After gathering a couple of prisoners, we carried them back to the ship. As we approached the Phoenix, we saw a Turian talking to the sentry, as I got a little closer my heart sank and I dropped my Salarian prisoner and ran. That was Adrien!
     I could tell he was nervous when I approached him, and by the spirits he had every reason to be with what he told me next: Asari commandos, and some hired thugs had attacked my family in the supposed safe house Adrien brought them to. They were in grave danger! I quickly told the Commander about the situation and told him I was leaving; I have to protect my family. At all costs. I asked KQO to get in touch with some of my contacts and I headed to Adrien’s ship and left for Palaven. I need to keep my family safe.


Days 21&22: A little R&R on Rannoch...

Day 21/22

     After the attacks on the ship we were able to find information about the STG’s orders to assassinate Aliya. So we devised our own plan. The memorial was nice.
     We landed on Rannoch and commenced the much-needed repairs on the Phoenix. While we were docked I was alerted to a situation outside. The commander had gone to meet with President Tali’Zorah, so the message was relayed to me: someone had murdered one of the crew. I quickly ran to the scene and found the LT impaled by an I-beam. An I-beam! How does someone even think to do that!? I quickly took one of the techs, Ariel I think her name was, that was one of the first on the scene to where he had fallen and had her scan the area to see what she could find. We found that the I-beam had been thrown biotically from across the shipyard. I brought Nienna and LĂșthien to the scene to check the readings; LĂșthien deduced that red sand was used, but that she had never seen red sand produce an effect that powerful. Her mother, on the other hand, did. Who in their right mind would take a drug like that? It’s an obvious suicide mission; this red sand was so pure that it causes neural decay at an alarming rate. The Asari were able to trace the biotic power of the assassin and we were able to bring him in, to the hospital, for questioning. His mind was too far-gone to be saved, but we were able to persuade him that LĂșthien was an angel, and I was a demon and based on what he told us was where he was going to go. It was fairly entertaining. He told us of that the Council was suspicious of Aliya’s death and he was send to trick Joe into meeting with her to verify the status of her death. This might have worked, except the assassin was too brain dead to report back.
     KQO was able to alert those of us in the hospital that a signature of red sand was approaching the hospital. We made preparations and were able to take her down before she was able to inject herself with the drug. We took her back to the Phoenix for questioning.
     That’s when we got the reports that a group of Salarians had opened fire on civilians. We rushed out to the location to help them out.