Tuesday 2 July 2013

Day 1: Meeting the Crew

Major Terryck Corinthus
N7 Special Operations
SSV Sachsen,
Commander O’Neil

Day 1
Well, this is it. Major Terryck Corinthus; life-long military career, War Hero, serving the Turian Hierarchy, advancing my way up the Meritocracy, and all for what? Abandoning my people, joining the human Systems Alliance, joining this rag tag crew, I mean seriously: a Quarian? on her Pilgrimage? Didn’t they do away with that once they took Rannoch back? But who am I to judge, just look at my story. If I hadn’t needed that favour… at least my family is safe, and I’m doing this for them. I hope I make them proud.
     I officially met the crew and my Commander in the debriefing with the Admiral. It seems like an honourable cause. Those Salarians sure deserve whatever bad luck comes their way.
     What kind of “secure” base is this! What help can I be if the humans can’t ever keep their own bases or ships from being taken by pesky rebel groups!? At least we were able to capture the leaders and learn their purpose in this suicide mission. Locking themselves in the med bay, I mean honestly? Why would you even put yourself in a situation to be vaporised like that? At least they had enough sense in them to surrender. Now we are off to save some backwater human colony. This could get tedious.
At least this Commander has a good head on him. He’ll go far if he doesn’t get himself killed. His Lieutenant on the other hand…let’s not go there, and a Krogan! What is the Alliance coming to? I guess the Shepard had a Krogan or two so I shouldn’t complain. We have the daughter of Aria T’Loak with us too, how interesting is that. I wonder what brings her here. She is a very adept biotic and will be very useful I’m sure, the other Asari though, I’m not so sure. She seems to be a bit… clumsy. The ship’s AI, K-QO, and the Geth Prime, K8, will be very handy as well; although what a machine’s interest in this mission would be I have no idea.
All in all, this will be an interesting mission, one of the strangest I’ve been on for sure.

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