Tuesday 22 October 2013

Day 11: A Merry Chase

 Day 11

     It’s about time. We left Rannoch and are headed after our doppelgängers, which are reportedly on Eden Prime. After two days we finally reached the planet, only to find five Hyperion-classed Alliance cruisers in orbit around the planet, effectively stopping us from actively scanning the planet. After some debate we decided to ask the Quarian to hack the satellites orbiting to track them down. The geoscans revealed the location of the ship about 40km away from Constant, the capital city. We sneaked past the cruisers and landed a few kilometres away a shuttled it over. Who knew the LT could pilot a shuttle? He’s an interesting guy that one, he has a broad skill base, but seriously lacking in intelligence sometimes.
     Once we arrived at the ship, the Triton, we found it nestled in the trees, whoever put this team together found a damn good pilot, with tress trying to cover the hull. The Quarian hacked their systems, locking the crew in their quarters, and opened the door. Out doppelgängers weren’t there! The Quarian started going through the ship’s computers to try to find out where they were, and blocking any communications to and from the ship. As she did this, the rest of us came up with a plan to set a trap for the other squad when the Quarian informed us that the crew had bypassed the locks and were on their way up to the CIC. K-QO then informed us that we would be able to bring their ship to ours and switch the IFF in the ships to allow us slip more easily past any blockades and provide an excellent way to draw our them (our doppelgängers) to our turf.
     As the enemy crew exited the elevator we assumed the roles of our doppelgängers, and through a good measure of luck and a lot of skill, we were able to convince them that we were their CO’s and that we had found the location of the ‘Sachsen’ and were planning an ambush there. We took off and landed next to the Phoenix, and neutralized the enemy crew with the gas system on our ship and tied them up to the trees. K-QO then interrupted a signal trying to reach Alliance Command in Constant. Nienna took the call and with a little help from Commander O’Neil she was able to lead our doppelgängers to the location of the Triton where we will lay in wait, ready to take them out and prove our innocence.


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